80’s Piano art.

The goal of todays lesson wasn’t to make 80’s art, I’m sure. After drawing various items from a table with handicaps though, I couldn’t help but see the appeal.


The piano on the left was drawn using my dominant right hand. I’m not very good at drawing anyway but you can tell that the image is a piano. The keys are visible, the dials are for lack of a better word, there. The problem I have with all my hand drawing is the inability to draw straight. Strangely enough, the image on the right, drawn with my left hand is not too different. The lines are just as straight if not more so and you can see the same level of detail on both images. I wish I had just stuck to pianos with this task but unfortunately I decided to change my choice to either all or one.


The image on the left was drawn without taking my pencil off the paper. For some reason I started with the piano but continued to draw every item on the table. It lacks in detail and doesn’t show much more other than the overall shape of the cluster of debris. I’m happy enough with it though as for something I’ve never really tried before, the result is acceptable.

The right however is extremely good considering the conditions it was drawn in. I’m extremely happy with the result. It’s almost as if the less control I have  the better. Although the bottle top is wonky and the writing is way too big. (Not to mention the shading being totally off). For a blind attempt and being unable to see what I was drawing, It’s better than anything else on the paper. I only felt that the entire selection as a whole, needed colour. Since I had been listening to 80’s music recently, I couldn’t help myself from reaching into my inner Screech and producing this visual orchestra.

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