FL Studio.

I thought I’d have a go with an alternative sound editing software. Since I don’t own a mac or have access to logic outside of college hours, FL Studio is the closest I can find to Logic. It has instrument generators and very similar tools to logic but after playing with it for a while. I think I prefer Logic. The user interface with Logic is much nicer and even though I haven’t had much time with either, I can see why people would favour Logic. With its large backlog of instrumental presets and easy functionality, Logic is a clear winner.

But despite my preferences, I’m going to practise with FL Studio regardless.

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Yesterday I felt like playing around with the piano wheel tool. This is fantastic, I love this tool since you can see more keys and quickly test different notes and sounds. The song I was trying to recreate was the Pirates of the Caribbean theme.

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After a while I looked at MIDI videos so I could see what other people had done. Mine was very different at this point.

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Even though some notes are the same, I think I gave up with the video referencing and just started putting notes in. I knew roughly what the song sounded like, so I ran with it.

This was the turn out.

It’s not very clean and I need to tinker with the audio settings a bit but I think It’s a good start.

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