News Logos

Box News 0001

First attempt at News Logo

Today while absent from college due to Illness. I made good use of my time by contacting Ben from the FMP group and asked what we needed to get done today. He said we needed to come up with a news logo. Challenge accepted. I love playing with designs in Photoshop and illustrator so this made my day.  here are a few more designs that I sent off to get feedback from the rest of the group.

FBC News 0001

FBC News. A mock of BBC news. The F doesn’t really stand for anything It’s just a place holder for anything we want to insert into the boxes.

ENN 0001

Another mock but of CNN. Again, this one was just being silly. And at this point I was told that just changing a letter isn’t really cutting it.


At which point Box News which is an amalgamation of Sky news, Fox and NBC was made. Though the design didn’t go down well because it still felt a bit stealy.

We wanted to make a parody of a channel while still being creative enough to make the logo unique. At this point Ben mentioned that he liked the idea of Box News. So what if the lights on the fox logo were boxes?


Box News. I added a moon to it to add a little something to the mix.

It was pointed out by Niko that the boxes then looked like H’s. I followed this up by calling him an H. Though he wasn’t wrong. If anything I like the double H. Double H Box news. The H’s can stand for Humane Human or Head Hunters Box news as an homage to the film Seven. After all, what is in the box?

At this point it was suggested that I try having a box open.

Box News 0004

Just by adding the flap and a slight colour change, I feel it made a big difference. Perhaps more detail is needed?


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